“Travel and tourism is one of the world’s largest industries and a high-stakes piece of the global sustainability puzzle,” said Sam Adams, Portland’s former Mayor and current director of the US Climate Change Initiative at the World Resources Institute. “It can be an important part of the solution, provided the...

We’re working with our partners in the Caribbean to plan their own path toward a better future so that the magnificent beaches, magnetic cultural traditions and verdant forests that attract millions of visitors each year contribute to the well-being of communities, the creation of jobs and the protection of resources....

One of the most effective ways of addressing the interrelated issues that impact a tourism destination’s economic, social and environmental well-being is to take a region-wide approach to planning and to equip local people with the information and tools they need to prepare for their future. Here, Sustainable Travel International’s...

We have been working with IICA-Suriname, community and business leaders, local NGOs, and donors in Suriname since 2013, helping to facilitate a vision and path forward for the country’s indigenous groups. With few options available to them, the Arawak and Carib peoples—who live in the country’s vast and heavily forested...

Travel can be exhilarating, relaxing, inspiring or obligatory. So whether you take to the road for work or pleasure, travel can provide an opportunity for you to contribute to the well-being of the places you care most about. Here’s how… 1) Eat local. A traditional meal in Ecuador. Help bolster...