

The Dominican Republic’s booming tourism industry consumes a hefty amount of energy, with fossil fuels accounting for most of the supply. Set in a less developed part of the country, the Larimar Wind Farm utilizes the breeze that blows in from the sea to generate clean, grid electricity. By creating...

This project reduces the carbon intensity of the energy infrastructure powering Indonesia’s rapid economic development. The Asahan power plant utilizes Indonesia’s abundant hydro resources to provide renewable electricity to the grid. The rural communities that live in the North Sumatra region will benefit from a more reliable electricity supply and...

This project supports the construction and operation of a hydro plant that will generate renewable energy for the Chilean national grid. Along with avoiding emissions from fossil fuels, the project also promotes stewardship of the region’s water resources and ecosystems. The rural communities that live in the area benefit from...

This project is generating renewable energy from pig manure in Thailand. By capturing methane and generating electricity from biogas, this project reduces the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced by pig farming. Furthermore, the new treatment system provides an affordable source of fertilizer while lessening pollution and other negative impacts...

This project is building methane digesters that are used to treat pig manure in rural parts of China. By capturing methane emissions and replacing coal fuel with biogas, this project reduces the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced by local farming families. Where & Why China’s history of household pig...

This wind farm generates enough renewable energy to power over 45,000 homes. By generating clean wind energy, this project reduces the USA’s heavy reliance on fossil fuels and avoids harmful CO2 emissions. Where & Why Over 80% of the energy used in the USA is generated from fossil fuels such...