Building a roadmap for low-impact, high-value tourism that preserves the beauty and ecosystems of Seychelles while developing sustainable infrastructure and boosting the economy. The 115 islands of Seychelles form an archipelago in the Indian Ocean. Boasting world renowned natural heritage, pristine beaches, and clear tropical water, the small island nation...

Only one Earth In the universe are billions of galaxies, In our galaxy are billions of planets, But there is #OnlyOneEarth. Let’s take care of it. This World Environment Day, Sustainable Travel International released a trailer of the upcoming documentary series ‘ Sustainable Travel: Where Next?’. The trailer embodies the...

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, residents want the island’s tourism industry to support locals’ well-being, cultural authenticity, and natural resources. BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS (26 May 2022) – Today, the St. Kitts Ministry of Tourism released the results of their 2021 Resident Perception of Tourism Survey. This survey, completed by Sustainable Travel...

For many tourism destinations, 2021 was a year of both hardship and of hope. In St. Kitts, the COVID-19 pandemic continued to pose challenges for the tourism industry in 2021, but it also saw the destination reopen its borders and the first signs of recovery. As tourism rebuilds, the work...

The documentary series will investigate how the tourism industry is coming together to rebuild a more sustainable future and protect the destinations and communities at the heart of travel. SEATTLE, WA (January 25, 2022) – Today, Sustainable Travel International announced ‘Sustainable Travel: Where Next?’ an immersive documentary series that investigates...

We came into 2021 full of hope and aspiration. Though it was another year of uncertainty, we’re closing out the year with a smile on our face and a full heart thanks to your unwavering support. Over the past 12 months, you helped us create meaningful change for people and...