
Our Forest, Our Home

In this video, members of Tanzania’s indigenous Hadza community talk about their deep connection to their forest as their home, cultural identity, and future. They

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What Is Blue Carbon and Why Does It Matter?

Though terrestrial forests typically get most of the attention, they are not the only ecosystems that possess a natural ability to fight climate change. Ocean and coastal ecosystems are also highly effective at sequestering carbon dioxide. The carbon that is captured and stored by coastal and marine ecosystems is known...

The Pacific Island nation of Palau is a tiny, yet remarkable country characterized by surreal landscapes, pristine seas, and a long cultural history. The archipelago is made up of more than 340 lush green islands jutting out from the glimmering ocean, only nine of which are inhabited. Remote and Secluded...

“If we want to change the culture then we have to start with the youth – the children are the future.” We caught up with Thuvia Browne, a primary school teacher based in St. Kitts who joined our two-day Destination Guardian workshop on the Caribbean island back in April 2019....

Our team facilitated a Destination Stewardship & Action Planning Workshop to identify top sustainability priorities and develop projects....

Are you a policy-maker or destination manager in a Small Island Developing State (SIDS) interested in learning more about sustainable tourism management? Then be sure to join us for the upcoming online learning course “Sustainable Tourism for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) – Policy-Maker edition” which will take place from...

Our team visited Aruba to present the results of the rapid destination diagnostic and meet with local stakeholders to map out a more sustainable future for the tourism industry Header image by David Kirsch / flickr Located just north of Venezuela in the southern Caribbean, Aruba is a small island...