

This project conserves a large section of tropical forest that holds significant cultural, spiritual, and economic value to the Indigenous Bunong people. The Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary protects this area from unsustainable farming and logging and addresses social issues that drive communities to extractive practices. Along with safeguarding tree species...

Small-scale bamboo farming is a central part of Thailand’s cultural fabric. The country’s long history of bamboo cultivation supports industries such as construction, tourism, agriculture, and fisheries that utilize bamboo materials. When bamboo poles are processed, unusable parts are burned, releasing CO2 into the atmosphere. This project repurposes bamboo waste...

The Dominican Republic’s booming tourism industry consumes a hefty amount of energy, with fossil fuels accounting for most of the supply. Set in a less developed part of the country, the Larimar Wind Farm utilizes the breeze that blows in from the sea to generate clean, grid electricity. By creating...

This project supports the construction and operation of a hydro plant that will generate renewable energy for the Chilean national grid. Along with avoiding emissions from fossil fuels, the project also promotes stewardship of the region’s water resources and ecosystems. The rural communities that live in the area benefit from...

This project is protecting and restoring one of the largest remaining peat swamp forests in Indonesia. Massive stores of carbon are locked away beneath the swamp’s surface, while the aboveground forest habitat is home to over 5% of all remaining Bornean orangutans. Along with conserving this critical ecosystem, the project...

Mikoko Pamoja is a community-based project that is protecting and restoring mangrove forests along Kenya’s southern coast. By conserving these valuable blue carbon ecosystems and creating livelihood opportunities, the project is fostering marine health and improving the resilience of coastal communities. Funds from carbon offsets support community initiatives that supply...