
Our Forest, Our Home

In this video, members of Tanzania’s indigenous Hadza community talk about their deep connection to their forest as their home, cultural identity, and future. They

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Registration open for online sustainable tourism course for SIDS policy-makers

Are you a policy-maker or destination manager in a Small Island Developing State (SIDS) interested in learning more about sustainable tourism management? Then be sure to join us for the upcoming online learning course “Sustainable Tourism for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) – Policy-Maker edition” which will take place from...

Day in and day out, thousands of travelers set foot on St. Kitts’ shores. During their visit, they stay in hotels, go on tours, and eat in restaurants, meeting countless locals who work in the industry. Yet these tourists are largely unaware of the environmental and socio-cultural challenges facing St....

For many children, going to school means sitting in a dull classroom, eyes glazed over, watching the clock until it’s time to go home. While this may be an everyday experience for some children, if you step inside a school in St. Kitts, you will quickly realize that this is...