
Our Forest, Our Home

In this video, members of Tanzania’s indigenous Hadza community talk about their deep connection to their forest as their home, cultural identity, and future. They

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Can Luxury Travel Be Sustainable?

For many people, traveling goes hand-in-hand with enjoying the finer things in life, whether that be private tours, tasting menus, or relaxing at a lush resort. However, in recent years, we’ve seen a push towards sustainability throughout the travel industry in terms of environmental and socio-cultural responsibility. There’s a common...

Business travel is having a resurgence as the COVID-19 pandemic slows down and in-person events have resumed. Professionals are enjoying face-to-face collaboration and networking after several years of working remotely. In fact, 32% of consumers are planning to travel for business in 2023. As organizations resume regular business travel, it...

Travel provides an unparalleled opportunity to explore the world’s most remarkable ecosystems and natural treasures. Yet it’s no secret that travel can be a burden on the environment and the wild places we visit. But this doesn’t have to be the case. There are plenty of ways that you can...

Picture your favorite vacation spots. Now, imagine your favorite ski resort with no snow, a coral reef barren of fish, or a tropical island without any beaches. From the Great Barrier Reef to the Alps, many of the world’s most iconic destinations are in danger from climate change. Warming oceans...

On the southern coast of Crete, accessible only by boat or a seven-hour hike through the Samaria Gorge, sits the tiny village of Agia Roumeli. During the tourist season, May through October, 100 people live in the village. But during the winter months, the population shrinks to 20 and everyone...