
Our Forest, Our Home

In this video, members of Tanzania’s indigenous Hadza community talk about their deep connection to their forest as their home, cultural identity, and future. They

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Sonoma County: Sunshine

Sonoma County, California is working to achieve a 30% reduction in their vehicle fleet, promoting alternative forms of transport, and reducing the risk of fires and floods in a region where huge forest fires recently destroyed vineyards, homes and farmlands. The drive to save water, conserve energy, and prevent pollution...

Since its incorporation in the 1960s, there’s been rapid change in the Town of Vail. The rise of tourism has led the community to consider what they can do to support the residents, the wildlife, and the creek. In this film, we learn about how caring the community is, and...

Championing a community re-shaping the impact of climate change. How the residents of one of America’s favorite mountain resorts, famed for its powder snow and the Sundance Film Festival, led their town to commit to hitting net-zero by 2030, creating one of the most ambitious climate change goals in North...