Skål International Partners with Sustainable Travel International To Improve 10 Million Lives and Protect Places Through Travel and Tourism

Skål International Partners with Sustainable Travel International To Improve 10 Million Lives and Protect Places Through Travel and Tourism

NEW YORK, June 20, 2015 –  Skål International, the world’s largest multi-discipline travel and tourism organization, has endorsed Sustainable Travel International’s 10 MILLION BETTER campaign, which aims to monitor and scale up social and environmental benefits from travel and tourism, and to protect the resources on which the industry depends.

The initiative convenes leading tourism corporations, organizations, and destinations around the goal of tracking and demonstrating improvements in the lives of at least 10 million people and their families by 2025, including growth in income and opportunity, and better protection of destinations’ natural, cultural and heritage sites. To enable travel and tourism destinations and businesses to track and share their progress and demonstrate collective impact, the campaign is developing an open-source Impact Monitoring System.

Skål International and Sustainable Travel International’s expressed their partnership and commitment to achieving these goals in a Memorandum of Understanding released today. Skål International brings to the campaign its membership drawn from all parts of the industry, including clubs in 85 countries, their member contacts within local and national governments and a vast network of in-depth local knowledge.

“Skål International represents one of the biggest reservoirs of knowledge and cooperation in the industry,” said Nigel Pilkington, Skål’s Senior Vice President and Director, PR & Communications / Business Affairs. “Our reach can help scale up this effort and help the campaign meet its goals.  We’re committed to helping our members improve lives and protect places, both because it’s the right thing to do, and because it will allow tourism businesses and destinations to remain relevant, competitive and attractive to the large and growing consumer segment that values transparency and accountability.”

In committing to the 10 MILLION BETTER campaign, Skål International joins other industry leaders including Carlson, Delaware North, Intrepid Travel, Sierra Club, and Starwood. The Sustainable Travel Leadership Network and Sustainable Destination Leadership Network—which include brands like A&K, Globus, Finnair, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and United Airlines—have also committed to the campaign.

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For more information on 10 MILLION BETTER, please visit Sustainable Travel International’s website at

For more information on Skal International visit their website at



In New York: Carol Goodstein, [email protected], +845-353-7620; or Stephen Kent, KentCom LLC, [email protected] +914-589-5988

In Auckland: Nigel Pilkington, [email protected]  +64 9 445 4351

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