
How To Be a Responsible Underwater Photographer

Love taking photos of the fascinating critters you see on your diving or snorkeling trips? Follow these best practices to make sure you’re photographing responsibly and not harming marine life. What is the best (and most sustainable!) souvenir that you can bring back from a tropical getaway? While a new...

Sustainable Travel International launches a social media campaign that empowers visitors to play a role in monitoring and conserving the Mesoamerican Reef by sharing photos of the coral, pollution, and marine life they see while exploring the reef COZUMEL, MEXICO (October 22, 2019) – The nonprofit Sustainable Travel International is...

A Mysterious Coral Disease known as “Síndrome Blanco” is Ravaging the Mesoamerican Reef. Here’s How You Can Help. Corals are plants, right? Or… maybe rocks? Guess again. Corals are actually animals! In fact, a single coral formation can be made up of THOUSANDS of tiny little animals called polyps, which...