Tackle Waste & Pollution

Lessen the amount of waste and pollution resulting from tourism

As an industry prone to overconsumption, tourism consequently produces a substantial amount of waste and pollution. In some places, tourists produce up to twice as much waste as local residents. This can put incredible strain on local waste management systems, causing landfills and sewage plants to overflow. Another major issue is the improper disposal of trash, raw sewage, and toxic chemicals by tourists, hotels, cruise ships, and others. In addition to making destinations less attractive, this litter and pollution can have detrimental effects on local people and wildlife.

While tourism contributes to our global waste problem, the industry can also be part of the solution. Tourism has the potential to build awareness around the issues and spur waste infrastructure improvements. If we want to preserve the beauty and health of the places we visit, we must take action to reduce the amount of waste we create and practice proper disposal.

The Issues

Certain types of waste issues are more prevalent in tourism and pose a challenge for destinations to manage

Tourism generates a large amount of single-use plastic waste which poses a problem for local disposal systems and environments.

Plastic Pollution

An often overlooked type of waste, food waste is particularly a problem within the tourism and hospitality industry.

Food Waste

Improper disposal of sewage and other toxic chemicals by the tourism industry pollutes our waterways and oceans.

Water Pollution

Air travel and other travel activities generate carbon emissions and contribute to global climate change.

What's At Stake

Waste and pollution have far-reaching impacts on environments, wildlife, visitors, and communities


Litter along coasts transforms beaches into less desirable destinations and may wash out to sea.

Oceans & Reefs

Ocean debris and untreated sewage pose a grave threat to marine animals who may get entangled, sick, or die.

Community Wellbeing

Pollution can have serious health effects and diminish the quality of life of local residents.

Scenic Areas

Trash that is left behind in parks and along trails detracts from the natural beauty of scenic areas.


Contaminated freshwater can cause health problems, poison wildlife, and throw off ecosystem balance.

What We're Doing

Clean & Healthy Destinations

We help destinations improve how they manage waste to create cleaner and healthier environments for residents and visitors alike.

Eco-Friendly Travel

We teach travelers how to adopt eco-friendly travel habits that create less waste and to dispose of their garbage properly so that they leave no trace.

Zero Waste Business

We help tourism businesses adopt sustainable practices and improve their waste management processes to minimize the amount of trash and pollution they produce.

Did You Know?

Every year, 8 million metric tons of plastic enters our oceans and kills 100,000 marine animals.

Roughly one-third of the world’s food gets lost or wasted each year.

More than 80% of wastewater is discharged into rivers or sea without removing pollution.

Tourism is responsible for roughly 8% of the world’s carbon emissions.

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