Climate Action Plans for Business
A key step (step 3) in our five-step carbon neutral business process is to craft a climate action plan, which sets targets for reduction and a strategy for getting there.
We have built climate action plans for large, $100m companies and entire countries; as well as for small, independent businesses. Each plan is custom built to your business reality.

Climate Action Planning for Businesses

1. Set Targets
Once you have measured your current emissions and addressed that liability with offsets, the first step in building a climate action plan is to set targets.
We provide tools, training, and guidance to help you set targets for absolute emission reductions that align with the Paris Agreement and your national climate targets.
We’ll help you focus on your biggest wins and build a timeline for material change in your business, which will lower your overall carbon liability by establishig targets that measurable and time-bound.

2. Decarbonize
Next, we’ll build a detailed decarbonization strategy.
We’ll help you define strategies to reduce emissions, which may include energy efficiency improvements, renewable energy adoption, sustainable transportation and travel planning, and waste reduction.
We’ll Create a roadmap for implementing these decarbonization strategies that are aligned with your targets, allowing you to forecast your climate and mitigate efforts for the next year(s).

3. Adapt
We’ll also help you pinpoint where your business is at risk from climate change.
We’ll help you identify risk areas and potential hazards that could disrupt your business’ assets and operations due to climate change, such as sea-level rise, extreme weather events, and economic disruptions.
We’ll help you explore risk mitigation strategies, and think through transference strategies like insurance.

“Sustainable Travel International is committed to protecting the world’s most vulnerable travel destinations and the people that live there.”

Carbon Neutral Business
Our clear, robust, five-step process can transform your business and put it on the path towards carbon neutrality.
We Can Help You Take Action
Whether you’re just getting started with measuring your carbon footprint or are further along on your journey, we can support your company in taking concrete climate action.

The first step towards net zero is understanding your carbon footprint. We’ll help you measure your emissions across your supply chain and operations.

Still have emissions that you can’t reduce? Balance them out through carbon offsetting. We’ll connect you with conservation and energy projects that are certified to reduce CO2.

Communicate the positive impact of your carbon program. We provide guidance, resources, and trainings to help you engage your employees and consumers.
Protect the Places You Love
Help conserve our planet’s most vulnerable destinations and empower the people who live there.