Webinar: Demystifying Carbon Offsets

This event already happened – Click here to view the recording

Have you heard about carbon offsetting but still have questions or don’t know where to begin?

In recent years, tourism has come under heightened scrutiny for its contribution to the climate emergency and as a result, more attention has been put on the practice of carbon offsetting. Yet it can be difficult to sift through all the information out there and figure out how carbon offsetting fits into your journey as a sustainable traveler.

Join our very own Paloma Zapata and Kaitlyn Brajcich as they demystify carbon offsetting during this virtual event. The webinar will take place at 9am PDT / 12pm EDT on April 8 and is hosted by the Impact Travel Alliance Seattle Chapter. We’ll discuss the role that carbon offsetting plays in being a climate conscious traveler and address some of those burning questions that you may have! Registration is free and all are welcome to join.

View the recording

Attendees will:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the different travel activities that contribute to your trip’s carbon footprint and how climate change is impacting tourism destinations.
  • Discover why it’s important to both reduce and offset your carbon emissions.
  • Learn how carbon offsetting works and the steps to take to offset your own footprint.
  • Receive guidance on what to look for when choosing a carbon offset provider and how to ensure you’re supporting projects that are legitimate and impactful.
  • Learn about the different ways that carbon offset projects reduce emissions along with the benefits that they create beyond CO2 reductions. We’ll share examples of real projects and how they contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals!

About Our Speakers

Paloma Zapata, CEO, Sustainable Travel International

As CEO of Sustainable Travel International Paloma leads the organization’s global efforts to maximize tourism’s contribution to conservation and development in order to protect destinations, preserve natural environments, and improve community well-being. Her work has ranged from addressing the shortcomings of the current tourism supply to deriving sustainable development strategies and formulating policies for destinations. With over 15 years of experience in sustainable tourism and economic development, Paloma has designed and implemented impactful initiatives and projects in 25 nations across the globe. Currently, she leads the organizations carbon offsetting program and is leading the efforts in defining the first Carbon Neutral Destination approach for island nations to follow.

Kaitlyn Brajcich, Sr. Manager Communications & Training, Sustainable Travel International

A purpose-driven optimist, Kaitlyn possesses a particular passion for using communication and education to inspire meaningful change. Kaitlyn is currently the Senior Manager of Communications & Training for Sustainable Travel International. In this role, Kaitlyn raises awareness around sustainability issues affecting people, places, and nature, and promotes best practices in tourism. Kaitlyn has written consumer-facing blogs on sustainable travel practices, facilitated stakeholder training workshops in the Caribbean, and supported various other projects in destinations such as Chile, the Mesoamerican Reef, Fiji, Samoa, and Palau.

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