Our Work

Using travel and tourism to create environmental and social impact in destinations around the world

Our world faces a wide range of threats from climate change and natural resource consumption to extreme poverty. Travel and tourism can be a contributing factor to many of these problems including misuse and degradation of precious ecosystems, economic leakage, and loss of cultural traditions.

However, as the world’s largest and most diverse global industry, travel and tourism represents a powerful mechanism to solve these same issues. When planned and managed responsibly, tourism can be a sustainable development tool for many countries and communities to confront these very threats.

Sustainable Travel International works with communities, companies, governments and organizations to create a better path forward for some of the most vulnerable destinations around the world. We’re working towards a more sustainable future – one characterized by clean beaches, protected parks, economic justice, cultural preservation and the engagement of millions of travelers who want to make the world a better place through their choices of where and how they travel.

Our Priorities

We’re addressing crucial issues and threats within the following areas. Select a topic to learn more.

Safeguard Nature

Conserve the fragile ecosystems that tourism depends on

Combat Climate Change

Reduce tourism’s carbon footprint to address the sector’s contribution to climate change

Empower Communities

Celebrate local cultures and improve the livelihoods of host communities

Tackle Waste & Pollution

Lessen the amount of waste and pollution resulting from tourism

Safeguard Nature

Safeguard Nature

Conserve the fragile ecosystems that tourism depends on
Combat Climate Change

Combat Climate Change

Reduce tourism’s carbon footprint to address the sector’s contribution to climate change
Empower Communities

Empower Communities

Celebrate local cultures and improve the livelihoods of host communities
Tackle Waste & Pollution

Tackle Waste & Pollution

Lessen the amount of waste and pollution resulting from tourism

How do we go about creating a better path forward?

In partnership.

We bring the right people to the table—companies, communities and governments with an interest and stake in protecting travel destinations.

Through facilitation.

First, we help the group figure out what good looks like—for them. Each story is unique; there are no one-size-fits-all solutions.

Using our tools.

We have been developing, testing, and sharing cutting-edge methodologies and tools that tourism stakeholders can use to achieve the right balance between economic development, green growth, and protection of tourism assets.

Through education.

Our goal is self-reliance and we help destinations achieve it by providing them with the guidance, skills, and training they need to realize their vision and get the job done in the way that’s right for them.

Without fuzzy math.

It’s one thing to say you’re making the world a better place. But we’ve got the systems in place to prove it—to measure, track and report on progress over time.

With a megaphone.

Though marketing and storytelling in destinations around the globe, we help spread the word and share lessons learned.

Over time.

Sustainability is journey—a work in continual progress. We’re here to set our partners on the right path and provide support over the long haul.

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