

We are currently leading a project to help Palau become the world’s first carbon neutral destination and preserve this pristine paradise for future generations. Now, we want to know: which island should be next?

Islands are on the frontline of climate change

Islands are highly vulnerable to the hazards of climate change thanks to their small size, remote locations, and coastal geographies. If action isn’t taken, climate change will wreak havoc on their fragile environments and jeopardize the survival of local communities. 

Rising sea levels and coastal flooding

Extreme weather and tropical storms

Coral bleaching and ocean acidification

Habitat destruction and biodiversity loss

Food insecurity and water shortages

Illness, disease, and health concerns

We're helping them become more resilient

We’re establishing a new, carbon neutral model of tourism in Palau, but we’re not stopping there! Next year, we intend to bring this program to other island destinations and build upon our approach to catalyze widespread change.  

Neutralize tourism’s contribution to climate change

Improve the livelihoods of local farmers, fishers, and other food producers

Reduce reliance on imported goods and increase local food security

Empower women to participate more fully in the tourism value chain

Conserve coastal ecosystems that provide protection and act as carbon sinks

Reduce food waste and build a circular economy

Expand access to clean energy

Which island should be next?

Vote for the island that you think should be the next carbon neutral tourism destination* 

*The above list of islands includes small island developing states as defined by the United Nations. Learn more about how we will be selecting the next carbon neutral island destination here. 

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