
Climate Impact Update – 2024 Portfolio 5

Our fifth Climate Impact Portfolio of 2025 supports five carbon offset projects around the world. Read on to learn more about the impact these projects are creating for the climate, communities, and biodiversity.

Carbon offsets purchased from Portfolio 5 of 2024 are distributed across the forestry, energy, innovative climate technology, and blue/teal carbon projects listed below.  

Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (CO2e) by Project Type

A donut chart shows climate impact portfolio allocation to blue/teal carbon, forests, energy, and innovative climate tech carbon offset projects.

Impact in Numbers

Altogether, these projects are accelerating the net zero transition by: 

white forest icon

Preventing the loss of 1.06 million acres of carbon-rich ecosystems

White energy icon

Generating 370 GWh of clean energy yearly instead of burning fossil fuels

Applying mycorrhizal fungi to 20,000 acres of crops to enhance soil carbon removal

Restoring over 11,074 acres of peat swamp forest by planting native trees

Explore the Projects

Portfolio 5 of 2024 is composed of five climate projects: Rootella Carbon, Keo Seima, Larimar Wind, Yaeda-Eyasi Landscape Project, and Katingan Mentaya Project.

Read on to learn more about each of these projects and how they are catalyzing climate action around the world.

1.0% of portfolio

Innovative Technology

United States

Rootella is a seed treatment and soil additive full of mycorrhizal fungi that create a symbiotic relationship with crops and increase plants’ natural ability to sequester carbon in the soil. The fungus extends the plant root in an underground web, significantly improving nutrient uptake and making crops more resilient to climate change impacts like storms and drought. This results in healthier plants that require less chemical fertilizers and larger harvests that strengthen food supplies. Farmers benefit economically from higher crop yields, lower fertilizer expenses, and carbon credit revenues.

41.0% of portfolio

Tree icon green



This project conserves a tropical forest sanctuary that holds significant cultural and economic value to the Indigenous Bunong people. The project cuts emissions from deforestation by protecting this area from unsustainable farming and logging and addressing social issues like hunger and poverty that drive communities to extractive practices. Along with safeguarding tree species that cannot be found elsewhere, the sanctuary impedes wildlife trafficking and provides a refuge for endangered species like the yellow-cheeked gibbon.

34.1% of portfolio


Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic’s booming tourism industry consumes a hefty amount of energy, with fossil fuels accounting for most of the supply. Set in a less developed part of the country, the Larimar Wind Farm utilizes the breezes that blow in from the sea to generate clean, grid electricity. By creating local employment and improving education, job skills, health, and safety, the project fights the inequalities that all too often affect rural communities. The Larimar Wind Farm reduces the over reliance of imported fossil fuels and provides clean energy to homes in the Dominican Republic.

3.4% of portfolio

Tree icon green



This project helps Tanzania’s indigenous communities safeguard their natural resources and prevent their land from being converted into cropland by encroachers. With a focus on preserving their forested homeland and traditional lifestyles, the project provides the communities with a new income stream and funds social initiatives that improve access to education and healthcare.

20.5% of portfolio

Blue/Teal Carbon


This project is protecting and restoring one of the largest remaining peat swamp forests in Indonesia. Massive stores of carbon are locked away beneath the swamp’s surface, while the aboveground forest is home to over 5% of all remaining Bornean orangutans. The project also enhances the quality of life of rural communities by creating livelihood opportunities, formalizing land rights, and improving public services.

Offset Carbon to Support Our Climate Impact Portfolio

When you offset carbon with us, you’ll support our Climate Impact Portfolio. Though particular projects vary from one quarter to the next, our portfolio always includes a mix of forestry, energy, blue/teal carbon, and innovative tech projects.

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