

Harmful Wildlife Interactions

Hiking, diving, and many other tourism activities take place in beautiful, yet sensitive environments. Such activities often involve close-up encounters with local wildlife. When tourists and operators exhibit careless behavior when visiting these places, they pose a risk to animals and their habitats. We work to minimize the impacts of tourism on wild places and creatures, and promote responsible interactions with wildlife.

Land Degradation

Tourism development often goes hand-in-hand with the conversion of land and destruction of natural habitats. Forests are cleared, mangroves removed, and wetlands drained to make way for resorts, piers, and golf courses. These land use changes can also trigger further environmental damage, such as beach and soil erosion.

Wildlife Disturbances

When tourists visit wildlife areas, their actions can disturb the animals that live there and affect their ability to survive. Touching or feeding animals can make them sick, while noisy tourist vehicles may scare animals away. Even bright lights can disorient turtles that come to nest on the beach.

Unethical Attractions

While there are many ethical wildlife tourism experiences, there are certain tours and attractions that cause suffering to animals. Animals are captured from the wild, kept in filthy living conditions, and forced to behave in unnatural ways – all to meet the demands of tourists.

How We Safeguard Nature

Discover what we’re doing to protect nature and minimize tourism’s impacts on environments and wildlife.

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