Soma Wind Farm renewable energy carbon offset project in turkey

Soma Wind Farm

The Soma Wind Farm reduces Turkey’s reliance on fossil fuel power plants by generating over 450,000 MWh of clean, renewable wind energy each year. Along with fighting climate change, the project also supports employment and skills development related to the construction and operation of the wind farm.

The Soma Enerji Elektrik Üretim Wind Farm Project is a grid-connected onshore wind farm project in the Manisa and Balıkesir Provinces of Turkey. Consisting of 119 wind turbines the site has a maximum power generation capacity of 140.1 MW when fully operational. Annually, the site generates over 450,000 MW of energy. With an expected lifespan of 30 years the Project Activity is expected to continue to realize emission reductions from decreased reliance on fossil fuel burning plants well after the crediting period ceases. 

Soma – Polat contributes to a local sustainable development by creating jobs in Turkey and the surrounding the region while procuring available services like subcontractors and equipment manufacturing. On-site operations also increased knowledge regarding local development of replicable technology to assist in transfer of similar projects to proximal regions in Turkey.


Environmental Benefits

  • Fights climate change by displacing fossil fuels with clean wind energy

Community Benefits

  • Creates jobs and supports the local economy
  • Trains employees on wind turbine operation and safety
Project Type
Energy icon


Annual CO2 Reduction

271,099 metric tons CO2e (annual average for crediting period)

SDGs Supported
Verification Standard
Project Developers

Soma Enerji Elektrik Üretim A.ġ.

Project Documents

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