$40K in 40 Days to Transform Conservation of the Mesoamerican Reef

In 40 days, a lot can change. In 40 days entire coral formations are dying from a mysterious disease. But what if, in 40 days, we could transform reef conservation instead? Would YOU fight to save the Mesoamerican Reef?

The world’s 2nd largest reef system, The Mesoamerican Reef, is under threat from a severe outbreak of coral disease. The disease is attacking over 20 of the coral species found on the reef and is spreading rapidly across the reef. This swift killer can destroy coral structures in as little as 40 days. Some of these corals took HUNDREDS of years to grow.


But what if, in just 40 days we could transform reef conservation and create a brighter future instead?

Time is ticking and if we want to protect this pristine environment, we need to act now. That’s why we decided it’s time to throw out the rulebook and do something BIG. 

Today, we’re launching an ambitious campaign to raise $40,000 in the next 40 days.

This funding will allow us to expand NEMO – a conservation program that gives YOU the power to protect the marine destinations you visit. Through NEMO, you can become a Natural Environment Marine Observer (NEMO) and help scientists monitor the disease by taking photos of what you see on the reef. The data collected via NEMO will help our Response Team of scientists and conservationists understand the disease, prevent it from spreading, alleviate infections, and begin restoration efforts.

Donations made to the campaign will allow us to:

  • Develop a citizen-science web app that will enable you to help scientists monitor the health of the reef, simply by taking photos of what you see while out on the reef
  • Educate local communities about reef conservation
  • Fund expeditions by our Reef Response Team to fight the disease and keep the reef healthy

Through NEMO, we believe that together, we can transform reef conservation and improve the health of the reef! In turn, NEMO will protect the:

  • 900+ marine species that call the reef home and depend on it for their survival
  • 2 million people who rely on the reef for their livelihoods, food, and coastal protection
  • $6.2 billion economic value of the reef generated by tourism, fisheries, and coastal development sectors

Will you join the movement to fight this disease and help us reach our goal so that we can make this impactful program a reality? Whether you can donate $5 or $5,000, or even if you help spread the word – your support will bring us one step closer to saving the Mesoamerican Reef. To learn more about the campaign or to make a donation, click here.

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